
An account of the Profile Manager dashboard. The URLs for this API endpoint are: | https://{liftProfileManagerURL}/api/v1/accounts and | https://{liftProfileManagerURL}/api/v1/accounts/{accountId}


Get a list of accounts accessible to the current user context.

An individual customer account.


Get an account.


Update a specific account. License cannot be upgraded.


Capture API accepts captures and returns segments and viewed content matched by the captures.


Send capture data for a visitor's interaction with the site and return any matched segments and viewed content.

Capture Identity

Capture Identity API adds identifiers to an existing profile or removes non-tracking identifiers from an existing one.


Send identifier(s) to be removed and returns a list of identifiers that were deleted and/or any associated error that may have occured

Customer Sites V1

Customer Sites API is used to create, retrieve, update or delete a customer site.


Get a list of all customer sites for the customer account.


Create/Update a customer site. When POST-ing a customer site with the same identifier, it will update that existing customer site.

An individual customer site.


Get a customer site.


Delete an individual customer site.

Event Import

Import current and historical visitor event data and perform other actions like anonymizing profiles (event_name = 'purgePerson') and updating visitor profile identifiers (event_name = 'updatePerson').


Create real-time or historical visitor event activity. To anonymize a profile, use event_name = 'purgePerson' and to update an existing visitor profile with new identifiers, use event_name = 'updatePerson'

Event Import Status

Retrieve the current status of an event_import API POST call.

Status id returned by event_import api.


Get the status of the specified event_import API POST.


Export Visitor Data

Start a data export job, which will extract person data as files in your account's Amazon S3 bucket for offline analysis or integration with other systems.


Start a data export job, specifying the range and the type of data you wish to extract from Redshift for offline analysis or integration with other systems.

Export Visitor Data Status

Obtain the status of a specific export job.

An individual export job.


Get the status of export job.

Goals v1

A goal is a desired outcome. It is the motivation for running a personalization campaign that is used to measure the effectiveness of a campaign and provide feedback into the decision algorithms.


Get a list of all goals, optionally filtered. See the query parameters for a list of filter options.


Create/Update a new goal. When POST'ing a goal with the same identifier, it will update that existing goal.

An individual goal.


Get a goal.


Delete an individual goal.


A segment is a set of metadata criteria that a particular person, touch or event matches with. Returns a list of defined segments associated with the customer account. The base url for this endpoint: https://{liftProfileManagerURL}/api/segments


Get a list of all segments, optionally filtered. See the query parameters for a list of filter options. Version 1 of the API returns the segment IDs. To use v1, set the content or media type as "application/json".

Segments Metadata v1

Information about Segments Metadata associated with account id. The URL for this API endpoint: https://{liftProfileManagerURL}/api/v1/{account_id}/segments-metadata.


Returns entire list of segments metadata associated with account id. This includes custom customer segmentable metadata.


A user of the Profile Manager dashboard. The URL for this API endpoint is https://{liftProfileManagerURL}/api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/users.


Get a list of all users for the customer account. User credentials belonging to a customer account that has linked customer accounts can view users in said linked customer accounts as well.


Create a new user.

An individual user.


Get an individual user. User credentials belonging to a customer account that has linked customer accounts can view users in said linked customer accounts as well.


Update an individual user


Delete an individual user.

reset user's password by email


Usergroups V1

A user security group is a collection of permissions automatically provisioned and manually by administrators in the Profile Manager dashboard. The URL for this API endpoint is https://{liftProfileManagerURL}/api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/usergroups.


Get a list of all user security groups for the customer account.

An individual user security group


Get a user security group for the customer account.

Visitor Query

Return an individual visitor's profile information from DynamoDB.


Return the visitor profile, which can include person, touch or event level data.

Reset Password

Reset password given an email address for the Profile Manager dashboard. The URL for this API endpoint is https://{liftProfileManagerURL}/api/v1/reset_password.


Reset password given an email address.

Column MetaData Config

Customer Config API used to get column metadata config. The URLs for this API endpoint are: | https://{liftProfileManagerURL}/api/v1/{accountId}/configure/column-metadata.


Retrieves a list of all column metadata associated with account id


Retrieves a column metadata associated by ID