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Interface to be able to capture user behaviours and make decisions based on it.
Returns the visitor information
account_id required | string <= 20 characters The customer account_id in the configuration database. |
site_id required | string <= 20 characters The customer site matching site_id in the configuration database. |
prefetch | boolean Default: false Example: prefetch=true Some requests can be requested to go and get the HTML of the content item they show. Eg. /search or /content. |
tid | string <= 22 characters touch_identifier, Internal identifier for the touch, if this field is left empty, lift will generate a touch identifier and include it in the response |
ident | string <= 200 characters identity, Visitor's primary identity information. |
identsrc | string <= 200 characters identity_source, Type of visitor's primary identity information. Specific string (account, email, facebook, twitter, tracking, name) or custom identifier type. |
en | string <= 200 characters event_name, Event name corresponding to the captured information - the event type matching this event name must match the master list of events created in Acquia Lift Profile Manager |
es | string <= 200 characters event_source, Source of the event - can be used to pass event data from tools you have set up to send data to Acquia Lift Profile Manager (the default Acquia Lift Profile Manager value is web; depending on your website's configuration, examples may include csrtool1 and promo1) |
ed | string <date-time> event_date, Date of the Event. Timestamp in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ |
ids | string identities, Additional identity information, can be included multiple times. The value is a concatenation of the identity and its source, separated by a "|" (examples include "|email" and "John Smith|name"}) |
url | string <= 2000 characters url, The URL on which the event was triggered., |
rurl | string <= 4000 characters referral_url, Referrer's URL |
cttl | string <= 200 characters content_title, Page title |
ua | string <= 2000 characters user_agent, Visitor's user agent |
pltfrm | string <= 50 characters platform, Visitor's platform |
ip | string <= 45 characters ip_address, Visitor's IP address (supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses) |
p | string <= 1000 characters persona, User-defined category into which a visitor fits, based on their viewing of particular content |
escore | integer engagement_score, The number that you have chosen to signify the importance of a visitor's interest in an event |
pn | string <= 1000 characters personalization_name, (DEPRECATED) Name of personalization associated with an event |
pmn | string <= 1000 characters personalization_machine_name, (DEPRECATED) Machine name of personalization associated with an event |
pcv | string <= 1000 characters personalization_chosen_variation, (DEPRECATED) The variation (decision) chosen for an event |
pdp | string <= 1000 characters personalization_audience_name, (DEPRECATED) The name of the audience |
pan | string <= 1000 characters personalization_decision_policy, (DEPRECATED) The decision policy used - for example, explore or target |
pgn | string <= 1000 characters personalization_goal_name, (DEPRECATED) The name of the goal reached |
pgv | string <= 1000 characters personalization_goal_value, (DEPRECATED) The value of the goal reached |
dsid | string <= 1000 characters decision_slot_id, The id of the slot for which a decision was made |
dsn | string <= 1000 characters decision_slot_name, The name of the slot for which a decision was made |
drid | string <= 1000 characters decision_rule_id, The id of the rule that was used to make a decision |
drn | string <= 1000 characters decision_rule_name, The name of the rule that was used to make a decision |
drt | string <= 1000 characters decision_rule_type, The type of the rule that was used to make a decision |
drsid | string <= 1000 characters decision_rule_segment_id, The id of the rule segment that was used to make a decision |
drsn | string <= 1000 characters decision_rule_segment_name, The name of the rule segment that was used to make a decision |
dcid | string <= 1000 characters decision_content_id, The id of the content that was returned in the decision |
dcn | string <= 1000 characters decision_content_name, The name of the content that was returned in the decision |
dgid | string <= 1000 characters decision_goal_id, The id of the goal that was triggered by the decision |
dgn | string <= 1000 characters decision_goal_name, The name of the goal that was triggered by the decision |
dgv | string <= 1000 characters decision_goal_value, The value of the goal that was triggered by the decision |
dvm | string <= 1000 characters decision_view_mode, The viewmode of the content that was returned in the decision |
dp | string <= 1000 characters decision_policy, The policy that was used to make the decision (explore,exploit,repeat) |
capid | string <= 22 characters capture_identifier, Unique identifier for the capture |
ctz | string <= 100 characters client_timezone, Client time zone |
jsv | string <= 10 characters javascript_version, version of the javascript that generated the capture |
pid | string <= 22 characters post_id, post id of an article |
cid | string <= 22 characters content_id, content id of an article |
cuuid | string <= 1000 characters content_uuid, content uuid of an article |
ctype | string <= 200 characters content_type, Content-type to which a piece of visitor-viewed content belongs |
csec | string <= 1000 characters content_section, content section of an article |
ckw | string <= 1000 characters content keywords of an article |
author | string <= 1000 characters content_keywords, author of an article |
pt | string <= 200 characters page_type, Category of page the visitor viewed (examples include article page, tag page, and home page) |
pd | string <date-time> published_date, Publish date of an article. Timestamp in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ |
pu([1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|50) | string person_udfXX, Custom fields for person information |
eu([1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|50) | string event_udfXX, Custom fields for event information |
tu([1-9]|1[0-9]|20) | string touch_udfXX, Custom fields for touch information |
{- "touch_identifier": "fM2RzZmdhNHczIDVxMjM=",
- "identity": "vDS4dc29tZWlkZW50aWZlcg",
- "identity_source": "tracking",
- "matched_segments": [
- {
- "id": 19200,
- "name": "Anonymous Visitor",
- "description": "Tracks whether a visitor to the site is anonymous"
}, - {
- "id": 10096,
- "name": "Interested Visitor",
- "description": "If the new user clicks on the about us section of the site, then they are an interested visitor learning more about the service."
Allows you to create captures to the Acquia Lift Profile Manager.
account_id required | string <= 20 characters The customer account_id in the configuration database. |
site_id required | string <= 20 characters The customer site matching site_id in the configuration database. |
prefetch | boolean Default: false Example: prefetch=true Some requests can be requested to go and get the HTML of the content item they show. Eg. /search or /content. |
Capture events without making a decision
touch_identifier | string <= 22 characters Internal identifier for the touch, if this field is left empty, lift will generate a touch identifier and include it in the response |
identity | string <= 200 characters Visitor's primary identity information. |
identity_source | string <= 200 characters Type of visitor's primary identity information. Specific string (account, email, facebook, twitter, tracking, name) or custom identifier type. |
do_not_track | boolean Default: false Flag to indicate whether the person should not be tracked. |
return_segments | boolean Default: false Flag to indicate whether the response should include matched segment information. |
return_content_views | boolean Default: false Flag to indicate whether the response should include content UUIDs that were viewed previously by the visitor. |
site_id | string <= 20 characters The customer site matching external_site_id in the configuration database. Used for filtering segments to evaluate and the default site_id for captures. If not specified then the last capture is used to calculate the site_id for filtering segments. |
Array of objects (Capture) non-empty unique List of captures. |